Our Verticles

Empowerment Of Rural Education
There is a great saying that, 'India lives in her villages'. Around 2/3rd of Indian population lives in village areas. The people of rural sector of the country face a lot of problems relating to communication, maintenance of better life style, education, health and sanitation and many other physical and socio-psychological problems. Rewa Foundation is dedicated to overall transformation of those rural areas by providing better education and creating awareness for the betterment of the poor and helpless childhood of the rural areas.
Save soil through (Promotion of Organic Farming bank of rivers) –Compared with conventional agriculture, organic farming uses fewer pesticides, reduces soil erosion, decreases nitrate leaching into groundwater and surface water, and recycles animal wastes back into the farm. These benefits are counterbalanced by higher food costs for consumers and generally lower yields. Revitalisation of river through Plantation on Narmada & basin -The fundamental solution proposed for revitalizing our rivers is: tree plantation on either side of the river for the entire length of the river. In all public land beside the river, the entire land should be converted into forest with native and endemic tree species. In farmland, there should be multi-tier tree-based agriculture. Implementing this solution requires: mass awareness of the problem among citizens; development of national and state level policies detailing how to revitalize our rivers; and translation of these policies into programs. Solid waste management on Narmada & basin -The level of pollution in Narmada is only increasing and will soon reach a state from where we will have no option but to look at the river dying slowly. There is no time to waste or preach. Only ground action can solve the river’s problem before it becomes untreatable Waste water management on Narmada & basin -The goal of wastewater management is to clean and protect water. This means that water must be clean enough so that it can be used by people for drinking and washing, and by industry for commercial purposes. It also must be clean enough to release into oceans, lakes, and rivers after it has been used.

Health & Wellness
With healthcare and education as our areas of focus, this nonprofit is working towards making good health a reality for the poorest and the underserved. It has set up model community health programmes in tribal areas, where families are destitute and their children grossly undernourished. The tribals living here are too familiar with deprivation, sicknesses, and deaths – many unreported and from preventable causes.
Yoga & Spirituality
yoga practice may improve various aspects of spiritual well-being and spiritual intelligence. Yoga practice may also be associated with increased levels of spiritual health, a more positive outlook on life, happiness within, and lower levels of existential anxieties.Rewa foundation help people to practice yoga regularly and make their lives more joyful and peaceful.